Bike Centre Membership
To loan a bike you must first apply to be a member and get a Client ID.
Membership cards come with lots of benefits and can be picked up from the centre during our open hours.
Check our FAQs!
How it works:
1Member Sign-up
Sign up to be a member at www.dalbikecentre.ca/signup and recieve a Client ID on your institutional email inbox.
2Fill out Loan Request form & sign Teams waiver
Use the Loan Request link that can be found in the email along with your Client ID or go to www.dalbikecentre/bookings
*You must sign waiver through MS Teams after each booking attempt for it to be a valid request and thus be processed.
*You can book up to 2 weeks in advance and no less than 2 days before a pickup date (Tuesday and Friday).
3Pick-up your assigned bike
Make sure you received a booking confirmation email, show this to the mechanic on shift.
Bikes must be picked up during the centre's open hours
4Return your bike
Return the bike on or before 12pm on your scheduled date. If the bike is returned after 12pm on your scheduled day, late fees of 5$/day will be strictly enforced in order to ensure users do not abuse this student-funded and free-to-use service.
Who can access our bike loans?
Do I need to bring my own helmet or lock?
How long is a loan?
Can I book back to back?
How do I cancel a loan request?
I can't find my client ID, where can I get it?
I am unable to show up to my booking pick-up date, what now?
Land Acknowledgement
Dalhousie University and the Bike Centre is located in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaq. We are all Treaty people